Hi Fam,
David decided a couple of weeks ago that he wanted to renovate the kitchen. We had talked about doing it this summer, but I wasn't sure we had time. I'm really glad that he went for it! He removed hardware, filled holes, sanded, primed twice and painted two coats on the kitchen cabinets.

A view of our sparkling white cabinets. Since this picture, D has installed pretty hardware; I'll post more later. Not pictured: our refrigerator, which is in the dining room. D set up a nice little kitchen for us there.

David had to take out each shelf and drawer, prime twice, paint both sides and haul each piece up and down the stairs to the basement!

After this, D started tearing up the floor. Two layers of linoleum and 1/4" plywood . . .

. . .led to a rubber layer of 1930's flooring. David tore this up as well, along with the tar-like mastic, and found hardwood floors in decent condition. The floor fellows arrive tomorrow to sand and stain it!
He has worked so hard and it looks great! On Monday, D plans to focus on prepping for school, so the home projects will slow down a bit, but I'm so thankful that he accomplished all this!