As some of you remember, when we moved from Austin and kicked the blind girl out of the last home she had where she could see, and displaced
the doctor with multiple sclerosis from the clinic, causing him to quit and his
partner to leave town, we moved into the
little house and started building. First we built a tractor shed (1984), then a greenhouse (1985), then some other stuff, then the big house (1987-1992).
So the tractor shed has served us faithfully for lo these many years, somehow maintaining it's sturdy functional look, protecting the tractor through thick and thin, wind and snow, trees falling on it, etc. Josh and David swore it's demise, but apparently had too much respect to lay a hand on it.
Until Matthew, noticing that we had built another tractor shed, kicked it.
Jackson says it was still standing when he and Matt left, I never asked Matt because I hate to see grown men cry.
This is what the new shed looks like, for those who haven't seen it.
And this is what Matt looks like when he is decked out with his PHD robes and Ruthie.