Sunday, July 15, 2012


Our precious boy is 6 months old.  
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He weighed in at 21.4 lbs, with is 96% for weight.  He's 90% for height and 97% for head.

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He's a big boy.

And a happy one.  Today at church we sat in the back pew.  Afterwards, two people came up to me to tell me how funny my boy was--he was, apparently, cracking smiles and cooing at all the people standing in the back.

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He likes to kick and jump.  He likes to smile.  

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He likes people.  He stops nursing if someone walks in the room--he wants to greet them with smiles.

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 He loves his big sister.

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He likes tummy time (!).  He can roll both ways, is working on sitting and his two little bottom teeth.
He grabs my face with his chubby hands and gives me open mouth kisses.  

Every single one of the little chubby rolls are ticklish.  

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He doesn't wake up crying--he just coos.  

He did great last night with our friend, while we went on a date night.

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Seriously, I could go on--he is such a delight.