Friday, September 18, 2009

Will Walks

(missing video)

At long last, William is walking. He took his first little steps on Labor Day, but really started walking later that week. He'll be sixteen months on Monday. He's very proud of himself! (And so are we!!!)


  1. I can't believe Will is already 16 months. He looks like a regular kid now [lost his baby look]. Renee

  2. Harry LOVES this! He says, "He's walking! Will's walking! I want to see Will."
    Do you want to say anything else to Will, Harry?
    "I'd like a cat."
    Anything else?
    "I want to see Will walking."
    Anything else?
    "I want to see a dog barking."
    Mama decides that's enough. :) We go to watch it again. . .

  3. Good job, big guy! We're proud of you and we love you. Big Bill and Essie
