* David, you'll be glad to know that Harry just said to me, "May you put this back in for me?"

*innumerable baby food jars are scattered about, filled with rolly-pollies at various stages of decomposition
* Matthew spending Memorial Day setting up the garage-sale bunk bed find. Jackson giving tours to neighbors of each stage of the process.
* rejoicing at the birth of baby Wills to Dave and Bethany Michelson

* Mary Clement crawling, pulling up, and humming what sounds like "yum" at each bite of food. Frustrating boys to no end as she crawls into just-completed puzzles.
* Ruthie's couponing kicked into high gear as we head into the last year of grad school
* Matthew entering "crunch time" to ensure that this is indeed the last year of grad school
* Mumford and Sons as the current CD of choice (thanks, Dan!)
* a few trips to the Austin Children's Museum & water park before the public school gets out; time with friends that we'll miss this summer
* Mary Clement's head is looking normal - an MRI scheduled for next week to make sure it's healing fine. Daily thanksgiving that she's okay.