Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Garden, for Cody

Per Cody's request, here are some photos of our neighbor's garden (of which, wonderfully, we have a corner!) Garden at the back of Pocusset 5551:
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Marigolds on the border, to keep away pests. Potted plants (mostly tomatoes) on the outside of the raised bed.
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Rain water collection. The first tank collects, and the other two are overflow barrels. Although, the system isn't perfect, as it sometimes floods into their basement. Note the cool tree with the herbs underneath it (chives, garlic, rosemary).
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The garden from their lawn. It's "a pretty mess" as our neighbor said--we all like it. They have planted in rows (and ripped up some of them, because a bug got the squash and the potatoes just weren't big enough) and replanted when we ran out (cilantro has been a big hit).
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Here is a sample of their rows. I really should be able to tell you how they've had it laid out, but I don't really know, other than that the herbs are on the outside (basil, parsley, cilantro) followed by the greens (kale, arugula) and then the eggplant, tomatoes and squash in the middle.

Our little corner has two types of tomatoes, three jalapenos pepper plants, rhubarb and basil. Like I said, it's only still there because of the kind attention from our neighbors.

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A wee gardener overseeing the crops. She likes to pick the marigolds.


  1. Lynn didn't mention it, but there's also a wee gardener in one of the other pictures. Can you find her?

  2. Matthew, Sarah and I have been standing around the computer oohing and aahing. What an amazing garden, and what a great way to learn! The wee gardener in the hidden picture looks like a garden statue, St. Grace instead of St. Francis?

  3. Keri and I too caught up the ooh and ahh refrain out here. I am particularly impressed by the multiple rain barrels. It makes a lot of sense as one barrel fills pretty quickly. We love the layered effect of the plants for bioprotection, and the Pennsylvania take on garden sprites is enchanting! Thanks for the pictures. Gorgeous!

  4. I see her! Third picture down on the left. Thanks again for the lovely photos.
