Thursday, May 1, 2008

To Pass the Time Waiting for Will...

(missing video)

Our house sits on the side of a hill on the back of a loop.  Traffic is usually light and one of Benjamin's favorite new activities is riding down the hill.  Last night, Josh and I decided to get in on the action....

(missing video)

We call this one "Natural Labor Induction".  (Yes, I am 38 weeks pregnant.)


  1. Wow - it even sounds like Jackson, Mississippi. Isn't that weird how those birds chirping made me think of my childhood? Maybe a regional bird?

    Okay - we got a glimpse of you this pregnant. When are we going to get the real deal?

  2. I'm sorry, but it's just not going to happen. I took a few pictures for posterity, but they're not going on a semi-public blog. You'll just have to use your imagination... and while you're at it, you can imagine that I look like a pregnant superstar!

  3. I love your neighborhood. What a very pleasant street. We need to come visit soon. MDW

  4. That was so fun to watch. Josh and Benjamin were impressive with their figure 8's.
