Saturday, August 29, 2009

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggety Jig

Hi, I'm Mary Clement. Let me introduce you to my new home. This place is grand! I got to see my grandmother Naynay again. She thinks it's pretty nifty that I've started to smile and coo. And Mama seems to like the fact that I've become such a good sleeper. Last night I slept 10 hours with only one wake-up to nurse! So I guess I'm pretty grand too.
I sure do like the neighbors - and they like me, no doubt! When we arrived home on Monday night about 11pm, we were greeted with a welcome party for me! There were colorful chalk drawings leading the way to the front door, which was decorated in pink ribbon, and inside, pink everywhere! Even the bathtub was filled with pink balloons!

Above my bed was a welcome poster from my new friends, and another "It's a Girl!" poster was in the front window! Here I am in my burrito blanket on my way to sleep:

On the kitchen counter we found two loaves of homemade bread, an apple cake for breakfast, a stocked fridge, and a note that we have meals coming the week! For some reason I never got a piece of that cake. . .
Oh, and Harry wants me to tell you that he got a note from Naomi:

I love you cucuhead! Come to my house later. Can we come to your house soon?
I think I'm going to like it here.


  1. soooo sweet. what a gift for all of you. mary clement, i am sure you got a taste of that piece of cake. ;)

  2. Ruthie, can you post a video of Mary Clem? I want to see her in action!
