Thursday, November 4, 2010

Matthew and Kevin and I went to see Mumford and Sons in concert last night!

Mary Clement currently: walking around with one shoe on (she loves her shoes and first thing every morning goes to get them with a request for us to put them on) and the utensil bucket from the dishwasher, as if it's a purse. Just now - brought me George Weigel's Letters to a Young Catholic with a request for me to read it to her.

Boys currently: clipping pictures from the Lego Jr. magazine, using their clip art to stage battles.

Me currently: trying to pay bills and get a grocery list together.

Aren't we fascinating? Hey, you're the one who came here.


  1. This is so great!!! Thank you!!!

  2. I just looked up Mumford and sons. They're awesome! It inspired me to finally get a Pandora account. Do you have one? You should try it. It's free internet radio and you tell it whether you like something or not and it eventually only plays music you like and introduces you to new music it thinks you'll like. Clint has been using it for years of course.
