Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Squeezed in before Christmas! Cody and Keri were here the whole week of Thanksgiving. For the actual day, neighbors Betsy and Chuck (w/ Charlie and Claire Ellen) and Jessica and Yong with son Joshua joined us. I had planned on having an outside dinner, but a cold snap hit a few hours before dinner, so we did a quick rearrangement, pulling the kitchen table into the living room for the adults, and setting up a picnic on the floor of the kitchen for the kids.

Mary Clement pulled on this too-small hat herself:

"Look, Mama, Emma has hair!"
Right before C&K head out:
Yes, Jackson and Sophie are just 6 weeks apart, and he's a head above her. Harry, 2 years younger, is as tall as Sophie, though much wider!:
And back to Thanksgiving Day. The kids' "table":
For dessert another set of neighbors joined us for a Pie Party:
A cameo for Keri's apple pie:

Monday, December 20, 2010

Four and Six, Some Pix

Feeling a little giddy with Christmas money, we bought the boys big birthday presents this year. We headed to the Lego store and got an abundance of Star Wars legos:

A bit out of order, but we had a party in front of our apartment with neighborhood friends, and played round after round of dodgeball, with prizes of course. Here's Matthew throwing the ball, and Mary Clement tearing across "the field":

Cousin James made an appearance:
This shot is looking at our apartment, giving you an idea of the crowd and the boys "Happy Birthday" banner:
After blowing out the candles. There was one large cake in the middle (2 cake recipes combined), and 2 round ones on the sides, with 4 and 6 candles. Notice Jacob taking care of that last candle:

These were butterscotch cakes, something Jackson had gotten into his head about 6 mo. ago when he first tasted a butterscotch candy. From that point on, he wanted a butterscotch cake for his bday, and stayed true. Harry liked the idea as well. :)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Halloween 2010

Yeah, so um, it's almost Christmas. So I figure it's time to post about the boys' bdays and Halloween.

The loot:

Mary Clement wore the owl costume that both boys wore at this age and was treated with a Blow Pop as we trick-or-treated. Here she's sleepy drunk on candy:

The boys were Vikings, at their request:

Monday, December 6, 2010

Happy St. Nicholas Day!

Harry's latest thing is picking out Mary Clement's clothes for the day. This morning when deciding between some brown pants and striped ones, he chose the striped, because, "I want her to wear pretty pants."

Friday, December 3, 2010

Harry says...

"If we're riding in the car and I have to use the bathroom, it's okay because the seat will hold it in for me."

"Next time I see Jackson I'm going to wrestle myself to the ground." (When he failed to follow through with this Jackson pointed it out. Harry said, "No, I mean the next time when we go and come back again.")