Monday, December 20, 2010

Four and Six, Some Pix

Feeling a little giddy with Christmas money, we bought the boys big birthday presents this year. We headed to the Lego store and got an abundance of Star Wars legos:

A bit out of order, but we had a party in front of our apartment with neighborhood friends, and played round after round of dodgeball, with prizes of course. Here's Matthew throwing the ball, and Mary Clement tearing across "the field":

Cousin James made an appearance:
This shot is looking at our apartment, giving you an idea of the crowd and the boys "Happy Birthday" banner:
After blowing out the candles. There was one large cake in the middle (2 cake recipes combined), and 2 round ones on the sides, with 4 and 6 candles. Notice Jacob taking care of that last candle:

These were butterscotch cakes, something Jackson had gotten into his head about 6 mo. ago when he first tasted a butterscotch candy. From that point on, he wanted a butterscotch cake for his bday, and stayed true. Harry liked the idea as well. :)


  1. Who is that nosy neighbor manhandling your eldest in the second-to-last-photo? She has great taste in black v-necks, however.

  2. And what is that...a machine-gun strap across her chest?

  3. I mean, this is all about me, right?
