Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Halloween 2010

Yeah, so um, it's almost Christmas. So I figure it's time to post about the boys' bdays and Halloween.

The loot:

Mary Clement wore the owl costume that both boys wore at this age and was treated with a Blow Pop as we trick-or-treated. Here she's sleepy drunk on candy:

The boys were Vikings, at their request:


  1. Oh my. Cuteness coming out of every feather . . . and strap of animal flesh.

  2. LOVE those viking costumes! Those are amazing, Ruthie! How do you do it?! Seriously, those things look about as authentic as you could get! (It doesn't hurt that your boys are so ruggedly handsome...) Miss you guys!

  3. Keri, all I did this year was buy the fur-like material at Hancocks. Matthew came up with the rest, including the rugged good looks. :)
