Dad had seizures today. He required a bunch of meds to stop them and was knocked out the rest of the day. John and mom were to talk to him about what he wanted to do about treatment but couldn't because he was knocked out, so the three of us talked it out.
Basically, he has the worst of brain cancer (GBM) in the worst of places (the dominant motor strip which controls motion of his right side). Further he has three very bad prognositc signs: a second site of tumor, seizures, and is in the hospital because he is too sick to be functional at home. Patients with just the last don't last through the radiation therapy. He is not making progress in rehab.
So we will hire someone to provide care--mainly bowel care but also feeding and watching against the possibility that he would be confused enough to try to get out of bed. We will enter him into hospice and bring him home. The process likely will be easy because he sleeps much of the time, doesn't eat much and has very few bowel movements.
His prognosis will be in weeks--four to six is my guess and in 30 years I have never been right. Towards the end he will be in coma or medicated heavily.
Mom will go on and make funeral arrangements with Phil Hale soon on a small simple scale. Mom is in a bit of a daze, but functioning well. I took her some poppers and she griped as she ate each one.
I will not be able to go to AZ in February as planned. I need to hear your thought and questions asap. BB
LOVE this picture!