Friday, September 14, 2007

Happy Birthday (a couple of days late) to my wonderful husband!

We're celebrating here in Hot Springs and having a marvelous time. Cody's birthday dinner at Meme's was a Southern feast of McClard's BBQ and a delicious strawberry cake from Ambrosia bakery, compliments of one of Bill's drug reps. We've seen all the family here already except for Karen and Mary Elizabeth who's off to wow the world at a tennis tournament this weekend. I'm so glad Cody was born 36 years ago and that we get to celebrate here with our beloved family!


  1. Happy Birthday, Cody! We sent another little gift to Flag that should arrive while K & S are gone as a little pick-me-up. So keep your eyes open!

  2. as maturity naturally leads to a deeper appreciation of life's finer things, tastes change. Cody now prefers McClard's over Stubby's. One down, everybody else to go. BB

  3. Dad, I'm with you on that one. Ruthie and I actually converted to McClardianism a few years back after a back-to-back comparison of Stubby's and McClard's (not on the same day though). There's just no way around McClard's sliced pork. I respect the viewpoint of those put off by McClard's spicey kick (I love you Mom), but in the end they're going to be happier sneaking vials of Stubby's sauce into McClard's than they will be fully embracing a Stubbsian menu. Could someone Fed-Ex me a tamale spread?

  4. Ah, the age-old McClard's/Stubby's debate...Cody and Josh discussed it when Cody arrived home from Hot Springs. I have to say that even as a vegetarian, I prefer the taste of McClard's sauce to Stubby's...sorry, Josh.
