Friday, September 26, 2008

I love student housing

The Mommy Brigade - Me w/ boys, Kristin w/Eric, Katharine w/Jacob & Seth, Brigid w/Elliot, Natana w/twins Alora & Rowan, Amanda w/Emily.

My friend Katharine and I take regular walks, and lately other neighbors have been joining us. The other day we had record numbers. When we arrived home Katharine and I took turns watching each other's kids outside while we took showers, later I ran to the library to pick up our book club books while she watched Jackson, and now I'm watching Jacob & Grace while she runs to the grocery. Tonight M & I are taking a date while friend/neighbor Betsy stays with our sleeping boys. I am constantly thankful for this provision of the Lord. It can't be beat!


  1. Hooray for neighbors taking care of each other too.

  2. Wow! Amazing! From one young mom to another--truly amazing to have an arrangement like that!! It surely makes up for not having a privacy fence.

  3. and we also share pictures right? i'm stealing your picture!

  4. Those grad student days CANNOT be beat, Ruthie. I am so glad you have such a wonderful community there!
