Thursday, October 1, 2009

Super Boy!

Benjamin is very excited to share with you his new pjs. We saw these at the store while we were shopping for new underpants--his reward for keeping dry at night, so no more pull-ups! He begged for them and normally I don't give in to this. But my brother had a pair almost exactly like these when we were growing up. I have many fond memories of my brother rocketing around the house faster than a speeding bullet and leaping small sofas in a single bound. B always wears the cape until bedtime, when he wants to take it off and keep it by his bed until morning :)


  1. Go, Super Boy!!! Your uncle Matt is sleepless with jealousy. Guard your cape well!

  2. Benjamin! You've got the goods, boy! I am indeed up at nights trying to figure out how to get your great suit, so I'd keep that cape close at hand. I love your fierce 'not-in-my-neighborhood' look, too! (And I can't believe how much you look like your dad in that picture.) Uncle Matt

  3. Uh, I had these pajamas at his age, too. :) I'll try to find a comparable photo to post!
