Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A few recent funnies

Jackson (son of Student) to Harry in the car, after passing some construction workers:
"Harry, They're working. Adults having school."

Harry to Matthew: "Daddy, I just have a nice, good face and a nice, good body and nice, good feet."

Harry coming in crying holding his scraped knee, "I have a headache!"

Jackson, coming out of a friend's house at night, "It's hundreds dark!" (everything is hundreds - the ultimate number).

Harry has so many funny phrases as he's learning his grammar rules, like "Look what I dood!"

1 comment:

  1. Love 'em! Sophie's version of Jackson's "hundreds" is "starvin'" as in, "I'm starvin' cold!" We've drilled into her to never say she's starving as in hungry since that is never actually true, and we feel it's somewhat disrespectful to the people in this world for which it IS actually true, so she's put the term to other, and might I say very effective use.
