Sunday, November 8, 2009

Halloween in Phoenix

Yes, you read that right. We were in Phoenix over Halloween weekend for a fundraising event for Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, having been invited by Cody's friends from med school, Tim and Nino Fincher. Halloween fell on the same night as the 25th anniversary black tie gala for RZIM, so Cody went to that, and I took the girls to the zoo to celebrate. I'll let Sophie tell you about it in her own words. The following is a from a note she dictated to a friend:

This is about us going to the zoo to have fun on Halloween night. I trick-or-treated and got a bunch of candy; it was super fun! I want to tell you about it because it was so fun; it was the best! On the train I saw pretend monsters, people that work at the zoo and were dressed up. One put his arms up and said Rahhhhhhh! I got to see a rat and an owl and even a snake and the other big spider (tarantula). I listened to fun music, and for dinner I had a hot dog. It was yummy! And water too. Water is important. And I loved going to the zoo on Halloween night.

Sophie as Minnie Mouse
(complete with a very cute velvet tail not visible in this photo)

Minnie with Mickey (her friend, Nathan)
Sam, Nathan's big brother, as Spidey

Emma in her pumpkin onesie (or, as Sophie says, "punquin")
So, there you have it. The Flagstaff Wright contingent has finally filled you in on our Halloween festivities. Thanks for your patience!

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