Thursday, January 21, 2010

Photo fun

Hi Fam,
Below is a photo of Grace and her friend Maria. Maria comes over to play every Thursday and the girls are becoming more interactive with each other. It's fun! (pic missing)
And here's G with her first bites of rice cereal. :) (pic missing)

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  1. Fun, fun! Very cute photos, thanks for posting. How old is Maria? Her hair reminds me of Emma's.

  2. I love those chubby little cheeks! Grace isn't crawling is she? She looks like she is up on all fours!

  3. Keri: Maria was born May 30, 2009.I guess that makes her almost 8 months.

    Ruthie and Kate: She's terribly advanced. She now feeds herself and walks--not crawls--about. :) No, the cereal was just for fun, because I like introducing her to new things. (She licked a dried apricot today and thought it much superior to rice cereal.) And no, she's not crawling. She doesn't even push herself up with her arms--she still uses her belly. That's just the boppy pillow you're seeing. :)
