Monday, January 25, 2010

A Portrait of a Harry Bear

Harry is 3.

Harry is adorable.

He gets his cause and effect confused, as in:
"I'm sick because I get sffmooothies"

Past tense in Harry's language isn't said "d" as in "dressed", but dress-Ed" (like the name). He will sometimes get the "d" sound correct, but not the tense, as in "I runned", but it's most often I "run-Ed". Recent examples of tense cuteness:
"I throw-Ed up-Ed" and on putting on his pants, "I'm the putter-oner, and you're the buttoner and zipperer"

He has a deep masculine voice, and often sounds cave man-ish, as in "glubs" for "gloves".

Harry is prone to Nursemaid's Elbow. Three times we have dislocated his elbow joint by helping him change his shirt or pulling him (gently!) towards us. Three times we've put it back in place at home using an online tutorial (thanks, Bill, for preventing an emergency room visit!).

Harry likes the word "even" and can fit it into most any sentence, as in "Dasson (Jackson), we can e-en eat breakfast".
Another favorite phrase is "did you know", as in "Did you know that I can run really fast?" or "Did you know that I like oranges?"
Harry's head is in the clouds. With the best of intentions, he'll set out to carry out whatever instruction he's given, only to get distracted on the way. He's told again, proceeds to obey, and. . . is distracted. I could go on, but you get the idea. He's surprised when we point out that he didn't do said task. The look on his face is one of, "but I did!" only to realize mid-thought that, "no, I didn't", and the end of the look says, "oh well." It doesn't bother him too much. :)

When Harry is upset he says in response to any inquiry "but I just want you". He also likes to suck one thumb and stroke his cheek with his other thumb to comfort himself.

A recent funny word confusion: Matthew was referring to my hidden candy as "my stash". Later Harry asked to have some "mustache".

Harry's way of making a joke, to Mama: "You're daddy" or to Jackson, "You're Mary Clement" and then giggling to himself. He can't get over how he cracks himself up.

The other night Jackson had a bad dream. Harry, not wanting to be outdone, came up with his own . . . "I had a bad dream! I was eating a banana and it was soooooo yucky."

The potty training process for Harry has been a family affair. Most every day this scene takes place: Harry, red-faced, growling, and holding his bottom, tells Jackson to "tell my mommy" (He's taken on Mommy. I refer to myself as Mama and he always calls me Mommy). Jackson runs, screaming, "Harry has to go to the bathroom!" Then I, with equal panic, run and transport him to the toilet.

Harry loves all things superheros. He imagines himself "powerful" and does poses that he imagines are fierce. He comes up with his own superpowers and likes to posit which superhero we're all like. Today I handed him a pair of striped underwear, but he responded, "no, I want porwfl underwear" (meaning the kind with superheroes on it), & if we're reading a book, he asks of each character that's introduced, "is he porwfl?" Along with this is his love of "weapons"; I'll put him down for a nap and he'll say, "But I need a weapon!". They're porwfl.

We love you, HarryBear.


  1. When I kept him for a couple hours the other day, you had packed him a sandwich, and when I served it to him, he put it up to his face and tilted his head.

    "Dis This is my SAMWISH face!" He cracked himself up, and us too.

  2. Thanks Ruthie for posting about Harry so intimately. I miss the little daily things of seeing my grandson grow up and it helps to have these portaits. Love Daddy

  3. Keep up the good work, Harebear! We love you and miss you and thank your Mama for posting your funnies. BB&E

  4. He's so clever, I love his jokes and his style. :)
