Thursday, May 10, 2007


I keep kicking myself for not writing down more of the cute things Jackson says. Even in the evening when I try to remember for Matthew, it's gone. So while it's on my mind. . .

just now -

The dishwasher was "broken" (the wheel came off, and I mumbled under my breath, "I'll fix it later").

J: "I'll fix it. I'm a man."

me: "Okay, go ahead."

J: "I need my tools."

me, walking to his play tool box: "I think you'll just need your hammer for this job." (trying to avoid getting all tools out)

J: "No, I'll need the screwdriver."

earlier today -

We dropped Matthew off on campus, and when he had shut the door back home

J: "Hi, lady", addressing me.

This is one of the many phrases Jackson uses that are imitations of ours. Other funny ones:
"Oh dear", "Goodness", calling us "Babe" like we do eachother (and of course"lady").

Today is his half birthday - Happy 2 1/2, Jackson!


  1. That's my boy!--you've got to know your tools. And from the picture, he obviously knows just what he's doing.

  2. Love the "Hi, lady." We are so going to miss you all.
