Tuesday, May 1, 2007

He can move!

Harry rolled over for the first time on Sunday afternoon. My mom worked with him all week, and he finally did it while she was in the air on the way back to Alabama. I've been waiting to post this until I could take a video of him, but I can't find our camera. Go, Harry! Other hobbies of his include sucking his fists, grabbing like mad, and smiling and giggling, especially at Jackson. I am so crazy about him. I can't wait until everyone can get to know him better!


  1. Hey, I've been reading a fascinating book. You should check it out.

    Gopnik, Alison, Andrew N. Meltzoff, and Patricia K. Kuhl. The Scientist in the Crib: what early learning tells us about the mind (New York: Perennial, 2001).

    Every time I read a chapter of this book, I think about all of our friends who have young kids.
