Sunday, July 8, 2007

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to an amazing friend

Today is Keri Weirich Wright's birthday, so on this day we want to say, "Boy! I'm so glad you came into our lives!" with a few thoughts about. . .
1) First getting to know you. Emily says: "Josh and I were some of the last in the family to meet Keri when she and Cody were dating. Whenever I asked anyone what she was like, they always said some variation of 'She's very put-together.' I wasn't quite sure what they meant until I met her and one of the first things I noticed was that not only did she have perfectly manicured toenails, but she also had little flowers painted on them. Whoa, put-together indeed!" Ruthie says, "I agree - my first impression of Keri was that she was a powerhouse. She came into the HR office at Biola having gotten the Writing Director job at Torrey, and determined to do well (she was made for that job), and there was no doubt in my mind she'd be amazing. It wasn't too long after that that I got to know her personally, and was amazed by her depth, loyalty, wholeheartedness. After M & I introduced her to Cody (just had to point that out again, that WE are responsible for their marriage, Sophie's life, etc.), we were so hoping they would "click", because Keri was just so great. My main impression of her then was her joyfulness, which is rooted in her trust in the Lord."
2) Knowing you now. Emily says, "One of my most special early memories of Keri was when she called me to ask me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding. I was so touched that she would immediately and generously say to me, 'You are my family now.' Thank you, Keri. I love you." Ruthie says, "Along the lines of what Emily said, one of the things I love about Keri is her commitment to us. We're sisters, and I know I can't do anything to make her love me less (or be less loyal to me). I feel safe and comfortable with her. Other reflections on what I like about Keri: She's fun - she's always ready and willing and preparing for a party, always thinking about how to make life fun. It's contagious! I like how her eyes sparkle and I like the creases around her eyes! I like that she's always willing to talk - I never feel in the way or intruding when I call. I know she'll listen enthusiastically to even the most mundane details. She's just a great friend. I like that she's an idealist, and I think in the right ways." Matthew says, "Keri is genuine and unpretentious and always easy to be with. Perhaps her most amazing quality is being able to match Cody's boundless energy."

from Sarah: "Keri, with joy, I wish you the happiest of birthdays! You are a wonderful daughter-in-law and you have blessed and encouraged me often with your enthusiasm and unconditional love. You are wise and discerning and "very fun to talk with about all kinds of stuff!". Your love and devotion to Cody and Sophie are always a comfort to a mother and grandmother. I love you dearly."

from Bill: "Keri: The first thing that comes to my mind in remembering you is your positive attitude. You always seem to have a positive thought or outlook, not in a Polyanna La Ti Da sort of way, but genuinely a positive sense of things. May God continue to honor your trust in Him and the Peace of Christ surround you. BB"

from Ruthie: "Keri, I am so excited about sharing the years ahead with you. Whenever something interesting happens, I want to call you immediately. I hope that one day we'll live close enough that we can swap our hours of phone conversations for hours of face-to-face time. I love you."



  1. from Joshua: (who got his post in on the day and is therfore not a thoughtless brother-in-law) I like your spunk, Keri. You trash talk right along with me. I also appreciate you confidence. Don't let this go to your head 'cause I can still take you any day of the week.

  2. Right back atcha, Josh! And, Ruthie, I understand you're the one who got this organized (is anyone surprised?), so thank YOU for getting it together, and again, thanks to all of you wonderful Wrights (and Wilburs!)who took the time to contribute words that made me feel so LOVED!
