Sunday, June 1, 2008

Prince Caspian

We just got back from the film and would love to hear what anyone else who's seen it thinks. They changed the story significantly, mostly by adding to it, but in our opinion, the changes were largely effective. (Am I allowed to say that about a Lewisian tale?) Comments, anyone? (hopefully without giving any spoilers!)


  1. Hoping to see it soon. Sarah in Mississippi

  2. Sarah, I talked with Bill yesterday and recommended it for you two as a date night, so maybe as soon as you get home! Love you!

  3. I think we'll be waiting till it comes out on video, but I'd love to discuss it then! I miss you, Keri!

  4. Josh and I saw this last night as part of our 7th anniversary celebration. (Will 'saw' it too, although he slept right up until the last five minutes, when he decided to start crying and I had to take him out.) Although I spent most of the movie trying to keep his ears covered (forgotten how LOUD theaters are now), we enjoyed it a lot. I think I liked the film more than Josh, who could pick out several glaring inconsistencies in geographic relationships and battle tactics. This was a difficult book to make into a compelling movie, but I think they did a good job. Didn't like how they seemed to minimize Aslan's character...

  5. Yes, I just re-read the book at Johnny and Myra's in preparation for seeing the film, and there were some powerful and convicting spiritual truths there in relation to Aslan that certainly didn't come through. But both Cody and I found the moments Aslan was portrayed very compelling. We were discussing how it's somehow more powerful for us to see Christ portrayed metaphorically like that than when He's played as a man by an actor.

  6. I thought it was wonderful and exciting. I really enjoyed it and didn't think Aslan was minimized at all. I found it really edifying.
