Monday, July 21, 2008

Hot Springs Trip, J&E division

I sat down several times during our stay in Hot Springs to post (really, I did!), but with slow connections and busy kids, I kept getting interrupted.  So here at last are a few shots from our 2 weeks.

Here is Will meeting Meme for the first time.

Benjamin really got into vacuuming.  And incidentally, he's sporting his new big boy underwear!

Aunt Ruthie gave B a summer cut.

A favorite activity was pool time, although B and J spent most of their time looking at the water and throwing toys in it.  But that won't last long...

On our last Saturday, we all went to Lake De Gray.  We enjoyed ourselves thoroughly and here you can see Will enjoying his first lake-visit in the way he does best...


  1. I don't know why my text keeps showing up like it does. I double-check it in the preview and it never looks this way. Any suggestions?

  2. What do you mean? It looks fine to me. Also, I must comment that I am SO IMPRESSED that Benjamin potty-trained so quickly and thoroughly during your visit...way to go BWW!!!

  3. Love that apron, Ruthie! Too cute!

  4. As far as the text, you have to just keep fiddling. Too bad we don't know htmlkuphotkrv or whatever.

    Is my apron not adorable? Anthropologie, Mother's Day, a good mix.
