Friday, July 11, 2008

On Eating and Being 3

last night about 5:30:

Jackson: "May I have something to eat?"
Me: "Sure, It's about dinner time."
Jackson: "May I have something else?"

Jackson has no idea what is for dinner, but to him dinner = something he doesn't want. Throughout the day he often asks, "May I have something else for breakfast?" hoping to extend his favorite meal until bedtime.


  1. This is so similar to our very soon to be 5 yo. He says, "I don't want (insert mealtime name here). I want a snack."

  2. Benjamin's fav is 'What's my other option?' Aaahhhh!

  3. jacob keeps asking me to feed him lately! he doesn't want dinner either.

  4. So is Benjamin! That cracks me up, thinking of him asking what his other option is! I love how we hear out of their mouths exactly the things they hear us say all day...
