Monday, March 30, 2009

Meet Emma Lucia

Matthew 5:16 Let your light so shine before men that they will see your good works and praise your Father in heaven.

This is our blessing for Emma ("universal" Greek) Lucia ("light" Italian). This Lent we have focused on Jesus as the Light of the World, remembering what life is like for those in darkness and how crucial the true Light is for real living.

We are so grateful for all of your prayers for EL's birth. (I'll use EL in this post as Keri and I haven't yet decided on what to call her; thanks for all the many suggestions.) It went beautifully; even the false start Saturday night ended up being for the best as it got two doses of necessary antibiotics into Keri, because when the real labor hit, there was no stopping for anything, even an IV. Keri was strong throughout the whole two hour and twenty-minute process, start to finish, birthing EL on her HANDS and KNEES! Flagstaff's new Amazon woman. EL is doing really well, so well, in fact, they let us bring her home tonight. She was 7 lbs., 3 oz., 19.5" long, born at 3:55 a.m. on 03.30.09. She just passed her meconium, lungs are clear, and she had nursed from both sides within 15 minutes of being born. During tonight's vespers, she was repeating the catechism after Sophie. (Sophie immediately translated.)

Soph first saw her sister on the camera but then got to go to the hospital and see her through a window. By the time we got home with EL, she was ready to hold EL in her lap, help Mommy change the first diaper, and weave complicated tales of her own delivery of quadruplets (2 boys and 2 girls). She is already becoming a wonderful big sister.

We have been very, very grateful to have Essie and Sally here with us. I had prayed for months that Mom would be here for the birth, and so having her drive with us to the hospital and help me encourage, massage, and cheer Keri on as she did her amazing labor feat was the best birthing experience I could imagine. Sally stayed home with the Soph and both of them cleaned the house from top to bottom. We have loved having both ladies in our home the past week or so for nightly vespers, hikes in the woods, and BBC mini-series watching (North and South, an adaptation of an Elizabeth Gaskell novel is highly recommended). Geri and Del got into town about 3 hours post-birth, and we are really looking forward to Big Bill's arrival in a few days.
We love you all and appreciate your prayers. We look forward to introducing EL to you in person.

Friday, March 27, 2009

"If you hear me screaming. . ." (or, Paroxysms of a Patriot)

I was reminded yesterday that I never posted a recent funny from Jackson. Ruthie taught him about the American flag, and they made spotting them around town a car game. JRW really got into this. One day in a fit of excitement, after spotting one after another, he yelled up to us, "Don't worry, Mama and Daddy, if you hear me screaming; I just see the American flag!"

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Harry's Various Alter-Egos

The Harrier has really gotten into dressing up. He goes around the house collecting his various accessories, has us help him put them on, then declares himself either the Lone Ranger or simply "Knight." Here he is on a recent morning. He strikes me as a superhero amalgam of Superman, the Lone Ranger and Hancock. He really loves the gun because he's learned to cock it himself, but a foam sword or just a stick will do. We let him wear the cape to church yesterday.

The toboggan has been a special favorite of his, but he's starting to branch out into other head gear. Here is he in Ruthie's sun hat, which with the stick and without the sunglasses, gives him more of an Hombre flair. I thought better of letting him wear my house shoes outside, but how could I resist such a bandito? I spent a while picking twigs out of them, but it was worth it. I hope this phase of his lasts for a very long time. (By the way, Mike and Renee, I am loving my new camera! It is really great. Thank you, thank you. And Josh gets very honorable mention for souping up Ruthie's computer so that it's easier to manage the higher quality pics!) - Matthew

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Birthday Bike

(video missing)
Here is the footage of Benjamin receiving his birthday present from Josh and me.  And his first pedals...

Monday, March 23, 2009

Sugar and Spice

Hi Fam,

We just returned from our ultrasound and everyone is healthy. Baby Wright is growing at just the right pace (we saw a little heart, kidneys, brain, etc.--all the important bits). She is doing well . . .we're 80% sure we're having a girl! We're going to keep her name top-secret until she's born . . .especially since we haven't decided on one ourselves. :)

I'm so glad we're having a whole passel of girl-cousins born in 2009!


L and D

Jackson Branch visits Austin Branch, Post 2

A few from Austin's camera. Will & Harry. . .
This is how Harry spent the entirety of the two SeaWorld shows we attended - fun but loud!

Next 2 pictures - Jackson and Harry attempting to pet dolphins. . .

2 more versions of the Amy's Ice Cream trip:

We had a great time! Jackson at lunch today asked, "Can we go to SeaWorld after nap?"

Jackson Branch visits Austin (or Four Kids plus Four Adults equals slight mayhem and occasional hi-jinks)

I tried to be better about taking pictures this trip, so here are a selection from my perspective.  Ruthie's are to follow...

Thursday we walked around the campus at UT Austin and saw Matthew's office, among other things.  Afterwards, we got ice cream at Amy's.  I recommend the thin mint cookies and cream.

Friday we spent the day at Sea World San Antonio.  It was VERY crowded due to spring break (apparently everyone else had the same bright idea we had), but still fun.  B's favorite was the Shamu show.  He kept calling him "king of the whales".

Here's B's 4th birthday party on Saturday at Red Bud Isle, which is actually a dog park.  B requested that we go hiking for his birthday and he wanted a dirt and worms cake.  All was accomplished and he was content.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Lessons in Bad Parenting

(#727 in a very long, daily series):
1. Place Small Child Directly on Stovetop.
2. Allow Small Child to Touch Hot Lightbulb.
3. Allow Small Child to Eat Chicken Salad Directly from the Bowl Used to Prep Everyone's Dinner.
4. Allow Small Child to Dress Himself as a Hoodlum.

If you need any other parenting tips, just let me know. I'll be glad to help.
Your presenter,
Ruth W. Wright

Friday, March 6, 2009

Kickin' It Old School with My Kemosabes

One of my earliest memories is of running in from playing outside to watch Mr. Rogers and the Lone Ranger. I liked Mr. Rogers okay, but the little tiny town thing always seemed kind of weird. And why did he always change his shoes? The simplicity of a six-shooter loaded with silver bullets was more to my liking. I've recently had the great pleasure of introducing the masked man and his faithful Indian companion to the boys. I've got a small video collection, and we watch a couple of episodes every Saturday morning. This is our "Boys Day"--I play with the boys while Ruthie gets a little time away. (We decided to call it Boys Day instead of "Keep Mama Out of Happy Dale Day," but when Miss In Utero arrives in July, we'll have to come up with something else.) At any rate, the boys are loving the Lone Ranger. I was ambitious a couple of weeks ago and made the boys pancakes with blueberry sauce. THEN we pulled the TV into the kitchen, so we could watch our shows while eating breakfast--Saturday morning bliss. Harry was so excited when the William Tell Overture started up that he pushed his pancakes away so he could focus on the show. It wasn't until halfway through the first episode that he was able to manage eating and watching simultaneously. When it's time to watch, he runs around yelling Hi-Ho, Shmilwa! and firing his guns over his head. Jackson's advanced enough to be trying to follow the storyline. He asks me throughout the show, "Now, are those the bad guys?" It's great. I still thrill myself to the sound of the overture, the firing guns, and the opening line: "A fiery horse with the speed of light; a cloud of dust, and a hearty 'Hi-Ho, Silver!'." But my favorite part is the wonderful ingenuousness of it all--no irony, self-consciousness, double entendre, wink-wink-nudge-nudge--just an unabashed, straightforward commitment to defend the weak and bring the guilty to justice. It is, of course, frequently melodramatic and even a bit hokey here and there--but I'll trade sophistication for earnestness and good faith any day. Here's more of what I mean from the opening (makes me smile every time): "This is a story of one of the most mysterious characters to appear in the early days of the west. He was a fabulous individual. A man whose presence brought fear to the lawless and hope to those who wanted to make this frontier land their home. He was known as The Lone Ranger." A fabulous individual indeed. I have got to get some ivory-handled six-shooters!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Collage Master Reveals Latest Masterpiece!

(video missing)
Cameo apperance by a huge baby.

Happy Birthday Sweet Sarah!

Dear Essee,

I love you very much.

Happy Birthday.

Benjamin (Will is pounding the table in agreement.)
P.S. We love you, Mom. Happy Birthday! J&E