Monday, March 23, 2009

Sugar and Spice

Hi Fam,

We just returned from our ultrasound and everyone is healthy. Baby Wright is growing at just the right pace (we saw a little heart, kidneys, brain, etc.--all the important bits). She is doing well . . .we're 80% sure we're having a girl! We're going to keep her name top-secret until she's born . . .especially since we haven't decided on one ourselves. :)

I'm so glad we're having a whole passel of girl-cousins born in 2009!


L and D


  1. How wonderful! That's great to hear that everything is coming along swimmingly with the Pittsburgh power baby. And that will indeed be a ton of fun to have a bevy of beauties running around (or passel of petunias, gaggle of gals, collection of coleens, shooting match of sheilas, aggregation of ingenues)!

  2. Oh my! I can't quite keep up with Matthew's comments, but I did want to add our congratulations and JOY that our little girl will have TWO girl cousins as well as her sister to play with. (Not to discount all her wonderful boy cousins, too!)Hey guys, we're even now! Four and four! Who would've thunk it?

  3. MARVELOUS! 3 girls in a row! Selfishly, I'm glad y'all will have girls the same age so y'all can help me figure out what I'm doing!
