Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Birthday Bike

(video missing)
Here is the footage of Benjamin receiving his birthday present from Josh and me.  And his first pedals...


  1. This was really fun to be a part of; it went just like you'd hope it would - the presentation of a first bike by surprise!

  2. My own special bike! He's adorable.

  3. Thanks for sharing the surprise, Emily! Special bike for a very special guy. Happy B-day, Ruskey!

  4. I don't know if you'll see this since i am commenting so late after the post, but this was one of the best clips I have ever seen of video-- precisely how we all want our gifts to be received! Thumbs up, to you, Benjamin, for being such an ecstatic receiver! You really showcased well the joy of a first bike- your own special bike! I love it!
