Thursday, March 26, 2009

Harry's Various Alter-Egos

The Harrier has really gotten into dressing up. He goes around the house collecting his various accessories, has us help him put them on, then declares himself either the Lone Ranger or simply "Knight." Here he is on a recent morning. He strikes me as a superhero amalgam of Superman, the Lone Ranger and Hancock. He really loves the gun because he's learned to cock it himself, but a foam sword or just a stick will do. We let him wear the cape to church yesterday.

The toboggan has been a special favorite of his, but he's starting to branch out into other head gear. Here is he in Ruthie's sun hat, which with the stick and without the sunglasses, gives him more of an Hombre flair. I thought better of letting him wear my house shoes outside, but how could I resist such a bandito? I spent a while picking twigs out of them, but it was worth it. I hope this phase of his lasts for a very long time. (By the way, Mike and Renee, I am loving my new camera! It is really great. Thank you, thank you. And Josh gets very honorable mention for souping up Ruthie's computer so that it's easier to manage the higher quality pics!) - Matthew


  1. I loved seeing Harry in all his outfits. I'll have to keep this in mind when I'm sorting through cast-off clothes. What could Harry do with this?

  2. Both this and the patriotic paroxysms post are fabulous. Love those Texan, patriot super-heroes. Do they know that their fav. uncle actually has super-hero genes?
