Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Dave's comment

Wanted to make sure you all saw Dave's response to Keri's "where are you w/Catholicism" question:

Keri! We are bloggers, we blog! I definitely want to see pictures and hear Sophie's brilliance.It is a great starting point for Catholicism. I understand that word has now made it into the hills and desert lands of Arizona that we are looking at a lifelong commitment sometime sooner rather than later. I certainly didn't intend to keep the developments in thought from you all. How does one decide about lifelong commitments? It seems that lots of prayer, thought, discussion, and moments of realization would be involved. All of these have been in the process up to now, and I want to continue the discussion with you all. Most recently it's been moments of realization that have made me think that we are possibly ready for such a commitment sooner rather than later. I won't get into moments, as that's off topic, but happily another time.So, to get back on topic, we've been making eyes for a number of years, dating steady for a while (it varies for each of us), and have recently had some realizations that have given us much more peace about settling down. There are still important, deal-breaker things I want to study: Apostolic succession, Papal authority, and the Eucharist. But, as my reticence regarding issues I take to be more central(salvation, justification, etc...) has repeatedly been assuaged and even exchanged for sincere appreciation of the Catholic perspective in these areas, I anticipate that, for me, gaining a better understanding of their position is likely to leave me with a new appreciation of their way of thinking.


  1. This may be a pretty involved assignment, but could you outline the Catholic perspectives on salvation and justification as you see them distinguished from a Protestant take? That would probably clarify some points for me.

  2. My question is this, and please don't take it as combative, as I don't mean to be; I just want to clarify. You describe yourself as having an appreciation for the Catholic viewpoint on these issues as if appreciation is enough. While I understand and agree that we'll never know the perfect truth this side of heaven, shouldn't you be convinced and convicted that their take on doctrine is the most in line with the truth before conversion? I, too, have an appreciation for Catholic doctrine, liturgy, etc.. Are you convinced (and convicted) that their doctrine is closer to the truth?

  3. Re. the timing, "sooner, rather than later," rumor has it you're talking about converting in April. Is there a reason for this particular timing? I know you guys have been thinking about this for quite a while, but it's new news to several of us, and seems to carry rather large implications not just for the two of you, but for the Wright family community, and I would love to have ample time to hear where you're coming from. That also seems like a short time to resolve "deal-breakers" like papal authority, the eucharist, etc. Any chance you might give it more time?
