Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Day #527 of being sick is beginning like every other day. Matthew did come down with the dreaded bug and so yesterday was more Sesame Street and sherbet. Today proves to be much the same, though less fun as M will make himself study today. I had hoped we would wake up improved this morning and make it to my Women's Bible Study (which has 2-hr. childcare, glory hallelujah), but J turned up not fully well (when I told him a few days ago he had diarrhea, he repeated back "quesadilla?"). Thankfully, it's bright and sunny here, so just looking outside lifts our spirits.

The following video M took yesterday while I was gone to get a movie (Stranger than Fiction, which I loved, but M was unimpressed). Sorry it's so long - if you can't view it, here's a recap: J spinning and narrating it to Harry, as he does much of his life, and then after falling, saying "recover" and continuing. The Superman t-shirt is his second favorite shirt. He usually asks to wear the "tiger shirt", a green Chuy's t-shirt that Laurel and Clint sent for Christmas, and if that's dirty, the Superman shirt. Why do kids latch on to wearing images on their clothing?

This picture is of Harry (who is 4 months today!) in an exersaucer, which is borrowed from a neighbor here. . .


  1. Matthew! How could you not like Stranger Than Fiction? Magical realism, dude... It's all the rage!


    Sorry to hear you're sick...

  2. Wow, Jackson's words are crystal clear! Where did he get 'recover'? That is hilarious! I want to start posting our little videos too, but I can't figure out how you guys are doing it. Could you provide instructions? (P.S. We'll put Stranger than Fiction on our Netflix ;)
