Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Heads Up in Arizona and Alabama!

For those lucky enough to be in or around Flag on April 24th, Nickel Creek is playing at the Orpheum Theater. And Mike and Renee, NC is in Mobile on the 15th if you're down that way. I wouldn't exactly say that anyone has a moral obligation to go, but keep in mind that this is the final tour (and tentative names for our next three children are Sean, Sara, and Chris). More info is here: Makes me remember all the good music out in LA down at the Largo.


  1. We're already planning to go! Haven't talked about it w/ J&E yet, but we are for sure going to the Flag show with our friends, Ric and Ramona, and maybe some newcomers to town, too. We'd love to have J&E come down, but know their schedules are often prohibitive. NC is playing at the Mesa Arts Center that Thurs., though, so they could go down there...

  2. Wow, in Mobile of all places. ...thanks for the tip. We still tell people about our adventure "clubbing" with you guys in LA. With Renee getting back from Mobile tomorrow, I doubt we'll make it but we'll be sure to let folks know in Mobile. Mike

  3. I love Nickel Creek! Im sad to hear the end is near. Justin
