Friday, March 2, 2007

Questions about your interest in Catholicism

This is my first time blogging, too, Dave! Hopefully, I will manage to continue and will eventually include our family news, cute things Sophie is saying and doing, and photos and video clips chronicling it all, but for the moment, I'm just bursting with questions about your cryptic comment. I'm very interested to start the discussion on Catholicism, beginning with your and Lynn's current level of interest. Are you two making eyes at Catholicism across a crowded room? Asking her out for coffee? Seriously dating? Talking about a lifetime commitment? It seems to be an issue with serious ramifications, and I'd love to know where you are starting from to get the discussion going.


  1. Yeah, Keri! Welcome, welcome! I think you brought up a great starting point for the Catholicism discussion. Dave, let us know...

  2. Keri! We are bloggers, we blog! I definitely want to see pictures and hear Sophie's brilliance.

    It is a great starting point for Catholicism. I understand that word has now made it into the hills and desert lands of Arizona that we are looking at a lifelong commitment sometime sooner rather than later. I certainly didn't intend to keep the developments in thought from you all. How does one decide about lifelong commitments? It seems that lots of prayer, thought, discussion, and moments of realization would be involved. All of these have been in the process up to now, and I want to continue the discussion with you all. Most recently it's been moments of realization that have made me think that we are possibly ready for such a commitment sooner rather than later. I won't get into moments, as that's off topic, but happily another time.

    So, to get back on topic, we've been making eyes for a number of years, dating steady for a while (it varies for each of us), and have recently had some realizations that have given us much more peace about settling down.

    There are still important, deal-breaker things I want to study: Apostolic succession, Papal authority, and the Eucharist. But, as my reticence regarding issues I take to be more central(salvation, justification, etc...) has repeatedly been assuaged and even exchanged for sincere appreciation of the Catholic perspective in these areas, I anticipate that, for me, gaining a better understanding of their position is likely to leave me with a new appreciation of their way of thinking.
