Sunday, January 27, 2008

Mobile, August 2007

While cleaning out pictures on my hard drive, I realized that I never posted photos of our August trip to Mobile. A pesky little thing called a move got in the way. Since most of you hear me talk about my Meme and Harry Daddy a good bit, here's proof that they exist.

Harry Daddy giving Harry swim lessons. I have great memories of this pool; it's so warm there we'd often swim on Christmas Day, and Harry Daddy is very much a teacher:

I took a zillion photos of Harry with his namesake. This is one of the few good ones:
The following photos are of the backyard. Meme has embedded objects all through the walkways:

Within the last 5 years they've added the railing:

About 10 years ago Meme went around spraypainting all the garden sculpture blue. And then this trip they were all gathered in one spot:

Here you see the glass covering the pool, and in front of that is a pond that Harry Daddy has faithfully maintained. I have great memories of feeding those fish.
The formal living room:

My Meme sleeps late, and Harry Daddy is up really early making breakfast for everyone, so I have fond memories of time with just him. My mother said she and Harry Daddy would eat breakfast together just them every morning growing up.

Another big memory for me - reading in this chair that hangs from the ceiling:

1 comment:

  1. Loved that! I'm so glad you got those pictures together, they're great.
