Thursday, October 2, 2008

The debate

Wow. When NBC says, thirty seconds after the debate is over, that the debate betwene Palin and Biden wasn't so important after all and would be forgotten in 24hours, you know she did well.


  1. Palin Power! The Killa from Wasilla! Very good point, Lynn. I have to say that I was surprised that the opinion that she did well was so uniform, and even more that people seemed to think that she won. I went in with low expectations, but she held ground and got in some good punches. We hosted a debate party and everyone groaned over the Joe-Six-Pack idioms, but I thought it was precious. MDW

  2. Very true Lynn! I've personally been fed up with NBC, and actually sent them a little "note" via email of how poor I thought they did their journalism. They probably didn't read it, but I still had to put my two cents in!
