Friday, October 31, 2008

My Sweet Girl

We were having fun this morning yelling, "Good-bye, Daddy!" at the top of our lungs as Cody biked off to work (we were in the house with the door shut, but it was fun, nonetheless), and Sophie said to me, "Mommy, I love being with you. You make me feel joyful." It's these moments that make parenting the very best job in the whole world!


  1. How wonderful, Keri! I've been reading a lot on the family lately (preparing a paper for a conference) and have been really encouraged to meditate on its deep significance and eternal impact. I'll post a link soon to a piece I think you will really appreciate.

  2. Keri, thank you for sharing that glimpse of your morning with Sophie. She does have a way of making your heart soar!
