Sunday, September 25, 2011

Visitor Research

We're getting ready for your visit by doing area research. First we tried out Activity A:
Activity A: Throwing Black Walnuts into a field.

Assessment: 30 minutes of fun! Fun factor expected to increase if includes you.

Then on to Activity B: Visit an Apple Orchard (Head there expecting to pick apples and then learn that they just stopped their U-Pick service. Enjoy it anyway)
Remember to eat apple donuts and apple cider along with crisp apples. Come home to discover that Clemmie had taken a bite out of all the apples we gathered from the ground.

While at Orchard, enjoy their rope maze.
Assessment: Super fun, but next time, find an orchard where we can actually pick the apples!

Oh, and enjoy nature while there (aren't those the coolest seeds?)

And finally, Activity C: Attend the Cave Run Storytelling Festival. (While we didn't do it this year, I want to camp during festival weekend in future years)

While listening to a story, view from my left. Festival is on Cave Run Lake, 20 min. from home.

And view to my right.
Assessment: We'll plan on this every year, and would love to do it with you!
*Disclaimer. I know my pictures are really bad. I still only have my iPhone for pics, which are really poor quality. Is the iPhone 4 really better? I'm trying not to let this prevent me from taking pictures/posting. Will remedy soon. By the time you come visit, so then you're not in poor quality photos. :)


  1. Oh it looks so sweet! I want to be in your pictures!!!

  2. I'm game for everything except picking up black walnuts, they leave a surprisingly strong scent on your hands.
