Thursday, March 8, 2012

A hard question

Bedtime has been difficult lately for Gracie. It used to be a story, two songs, a prayer and then into bed--it took 10 minutes and we didn't hear from her til morning. Now invariably she requests a second check (or a third, or a fourth). I know it's because she's adjusting to having a sibling, but it's gone beyond the pale. Tonight, after being up in her room three times (and a full hour after we started the bedtime routine), I went up there and had the following conversation.

"Gracie, the next time I come up here, you are getting a spanking." (She stops moaning and looks up at me.) "What did you need, Gracie?"

"I want to see Mommy."

"It's not time to see Mommy. It's time to go to bed." (She stands up.) "Did you hear me? If you call for Mommy or Daddy again, you are choosing a spanking on your bottom."

Her big brown eyes meet mine and she says, "Why spank little girls?"


Here's a photo of her napping yesterday. Love that girl.

(missing photo)

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