Friday, November 2, 2007

Our Sweet Sack of Sugar, and Martha, Eat Your Heart Out!

Here is Sophie as a bag of Jelly Beans for Halloween this year. This was a costume I invented back in high's about as cheap and simple as they come and darn cute, if I do say so myself!

And here is our latest decorating venture...I spent several hours last weekend arranging books by color on our bookshelf and am rather proud of the results. It looks even better in person, and it was fun to do! I highly recommend it as a way to unify what was previously quite cluttered and chaotic and make it a decorating asset. (Do you think MSL will hire me?)


  1. P.S. I realize I was only able to "spend several hours last weekend" because I am not working on a Master's or a PhD. or planning a wedding, or wedding showers for two sisters, and I had my parents here for a week and I have only one child, an almost-three-year-old who takes great, long naps! But if any of you do happen to find yourselves with a cluttered bookshelf and a few hours to spare, (hah!)it's quite the fun pasttime! :-)

  2. Love the costume and the little girl wearing it! I've been waiting for the pictures. Thanks, Keri, and thanks for the very cool bookshelf idea--looks great.

  3. That is a great books shelf idea. It looks urban-prismed retro-knarley. Was that you're idea? And I love the costume idea--very creative and cute! So when, Keri, are you take the helm at MSL?

  4. I know you know how beautiful this is to me. I want to get my hands on a disordered bookshelf THIS MINUTE. It makes me itch just looking at those gorgeous shelves. I'm about to see them in person! Oh, goody, goody, goody! I get to admire them all day everyday! And I'm not being sarcastic!

    And Keri, that costume is so you. I love that as much as I love the outfit itself!

  5. KERI! Dave and I want to do this at our next house. I love it!!!! We have wanted to do it for awhile, but we keep thinking, eh, if we're just moving, we might as well wait. You're inspiring us to really do it.
