Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thanksgiving Day Wright Family Arizona Branch

We had a wonderful day; the company was the best, everything was delicious, and we were all just so relaxed. That was the best part. Cody got home in plenty of time for the meal, we had time for naps before AND after, the kids did relatively well, considering we made them wait until after 3 to eat. The only thing missing was all of YOU!
Our feast:
Our table:
My pie: (I was pretty proud of this one, and everyone liked it so well, I made two more the next day, one for us, one for the staff at the hospital...I am very thankful Cody has had such a light weekend.)


  1. Keri, it's all lovely and beautiful! And thank you so much for taking pictures so that I could feel a part (since of course I know it was just for me - you were just thinking of me,me,me the entire time). It was strange hearing the kids talking so clearly. We have talking kids! Wow!
    Matthew says to say, "The apple pie looks amazing. Impressive!" and I totally agree. I've still never made a pie crust, I'm ashamed to say. It's just so easy to get Matthew to whip one up for me than to figure it out myself. A lesson, maybe, over Christmas?

  2. Ruthie, Josh always makes our pie crusts too! Maybe you need to learn it directly from the source.
