Saturday, November 1, 2008

All Saints Day

Today we celebrated All Saints Day, (along with Reformation Day w/our church body - Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the Wittenberg Church door on October 31, 1517). And of course last night we honored those saints and martyrs of old by going door to door and threatening to trick the candy-giver if they didn't hand over a treat.

Wait a minute. Well, whatever we did last night, we celebrated those saints that have gone before us.

Presenting Saint George himself:

And his fearsome foe, The Dragon:

And don't forget the fair damsel in distress, the beautiful villager that needs the Red Cross Knight to defend her from the dragon. (She's pointing at the muscular, loyal horse that brought the knight across many hard miles to prove George's heriosm and eventual sainthood.) :

Before heading out we took some pictures with our dear neighbors; Grace as Red Riding Hood, Harry the Dragon, Jacob the Pirate, Seth as Superman, Vienna as Skeleton, and Jackson St. George:
Another, this with the addition of (from left) Emily as Red Riding Hood, Kristin as 50s, and Eric as Charlie Brown:
After their first experience of trick-or-treating, they're tired out, but thrilled - mangled mail and all. When Jackson wanted us to start carrying him, we decided it was time to head home (about 7:30). They spent awhile this morning sorting candy, in awe of all they had. Jackson then handed out all but about 10 pieces to the neighbor kids, who were so thrilled they were about to bust our door in! And yes, Harry's spiky scales are brillo-pad sponges. That's the question I've been asked the most. Matthew cut them out for me.
Hope you had marvelous All Hallow's Eve and All Saints Day celebrations too!
Love, Ruthie


  1. Oh my word. Ruthie, you're extraordinaire---love those themed costumes! Harry is red to his shoes, and Jackson's mail looks invincible. PRECIOUS. I love the community you're in--

    miss you guys--


  2. Those are some impressive costumes! (Not that I expected anything less from the Austin Wright branch; you didn't disappoint!) And as I said on the phone, I love the meaning behind your costumes and how well they fit All Saint's Day. Oh, to be celebrating together!
