Friday, December 26, 2008

We didn't forget you, Dave!

While perusing the blog just now, I realized that no one posted on Dave's actual birthday! Travesty! Not that anyone forgot that you were born on the 20th, Dave. I'm sure you got lots of calls, and cards, and large cash gifts, but I just wanted to make it official for the generations yet to come who will certainly be carefully examining our archives, and I don't want to leave any of them wondering what happened to our recognition of Dave's birthday this year. So, here it is: Happy Birthday, Dave! We all love you! And Cody, Sophie and I can't wait to see you and Lynn in a few days and get to celebrate you in person!

1 comment:

  1. Dave: I didn't forget--I was locked in a closet with a little door they open and throw doughnuts at me. Happy Birthday BB
