Sunday, February 25, 2007

2 out of 3 Home

Benjamin and I finally arrived in Phoenix this afternoon. We flew from Dallas to Oklahoma City, had a 2 hour lay-over, then flew to Phoenix. B did well on the flights today--he even slept! When we got home, one of the first things he wanted to do was watch 'wee-wee duck'. This is his word for the 'duck movie', a Baby Eistein that he's recently attached himself to after I unwisely put it on one morning. Josh is taking the American Airlines flight on Monday at 6 pm, so he's hanging out in Dallas, going to Olive Garden and the movies all by his lonesome. He's hoping to connect with our friend Maranda (who incidentally has our wedding album right now, so he'll actually get to bring those home). We are still without a carseat until Monday night, which poses a problem for transport to-from school. I think I'll try to scrounge from the neighbors. I am exhausted!

1 comment:

  1. YAY! So glad to hear you're there. I'm exhausted for you just reading your posts. I let J watch a Baby Einstein tonight too - he was bouncing off the walls and it's snowing pretty heavily outside. I was considering watching the Oscars tonight, but I think I'm ready to fall into bed myself. Have a great week!
