Monday, February 26, 2007

snowy day play

This morning we woke up to a beautiful white landscape, and as I think I'll wait until it's a little warmer to enjoy it, we're playing indoor games. One of Jackson's favorites is making trains out of everyday objects. Yesterday it was from shoes, this morning from toilet paper rolls, the day before from the groceries I was unloading (it was his job to take the contents from the bags and put the bags in his diaper basket, where I use them to seal stinky diapers, so after the bags were placed he played with their contents). The blue patchwork dog first held the conductor's spot at the back on top of the box of diapers, but as you can see, the dog and the farmer in his hand became his passengers, "pee-ple in there". When I asked where his train was going (since he was waving goodbye to it), he responded, without a thought, "Meme's house". Right now he's playing with the classic childhood chair/sheet fort for the first time. I'm loving this pretend play!


  1. Benjamin plays the same game! Although his 'trains' aren't quite as elaborate as Jackson's. He usually makes them out of blocks. On the Meme mention, yesterday in the hotel lobby, Benjamin saw an elderly gentleman and he kept pointing and saying 'Dangdang!' It made us smile.

  2. Simeon & Joel were the inspiration, though our fort didn't involve a picnic; that's next level. :)
