Sunday, February 25, 2007

Stuck cont...

As those of you following our little family drama might know, we were stuck in College Station, TX yesterday for about 5 hours, trying to get through Dallas to Phoenix. We finally got back on our plane at 7 pm and flew to Dallas, a 35 min flight (and Benjamin's only nap of the day :). When we arrived in Dallas, we learned that American Airlines couldn't get us a flight until Monday at 6 pm AND they couldn't compensate for hotel due to weather-related cancelations. Fabulous. They also informed us that no other carriers had flights we could switch too. And then the fun began. Josh and I both got on our cell phones--Josh to call Southwest Airlines (because he didn't believe they didn't have any other flights and he was right) and me to Marriott to try to find a hotel where we could use Josh's reward points. All the hotels near the airport were full due to the situation, but we were able to find a Marriott Suites a few miles further away. Unfortunately, they did not have an airport shuttle, so we would have to find a taxi. Josh got in touch with Southwest and was able to get one flight back to Phoenix today and another stand-by. So I will fly with Benjamin today at 11 am and Josh will stand-by for the same flight. If he doesn't make it, he'll take the American flight Monday night at 6 and stay another night at the Marriott. Of course, we weren't able to get our bags or Benjamin's carseat, but we were told some taxis had careats, but none did. So, it's 10 pm, we've been at DFW for 3 hours just trying to get a hotel room and a flight, Benjamin is running around like the Tasmanian devil and we're both completely frustrated. So we just packed up in the first taxi we could find (which incidently REEKED of men's cologne) and prayed the whole way that we wouldn't get into an accident with Benjamin wedged in between us. Of course, he thinks the whole thing is some wonderful adventure and he's laughing and pointing things out the whole way. Finally, FINALLY, we arrive at the hotel. They're able to get us a pack 'n play for Benjamin (Oh, mercies!) and the three of us sat on the hotel room floor and ate a microwave pizza from the hotel snack shop. We all slept well and are relatively prepared for the day ahead. We have run out of diapers and of course we didn't pack a full change of clothes for Benjamin, but his socks are finally dry (he dumped an entire bottle of water on his legs and feet, so he spent all yesterday either barefoot or in shoes with no socks). The hotel had a great free breakfast and we're all going to get a shower. At the least, Benjamin and I should be home by 4 pm. Josh will either come with us or make it home tomorrow night at 8 pm. Thanks for your prayers--keep 'em coming!

1 comment:

  1. That's a nightmare, Em! We have been praying for you guys, though, and will continue to do so. Let us know when you make it home.
